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- The Problem Statement

The neurological physical exam is an important procedure for assessing a patient’s nervous system, including: cranial nerves, reflexes, dermatomes, myotomes, and peripheral nerves. Mastering the exam and findings may require years of clinical experience, and high memorization requirement. A HoloLens application could provide an intuitive reference interface to help guide the exam and interpret results.


- The Objectives

Objective 1: Support speech to text to turn everything said in the diagnosis into a transcript. Benefit to this is to lessen memory burden of the doctors, and for them to maintain high focus on the patients.


Objective 2: Cauliflower reminds doctor with a diagrams to test patients with during the examination. The benefit for this is to lessen memory burden of the doctors, and to ensure all steps are carried out correctly in sequence without missing.

Objective 3: Cauliflower automatically stores answer inputs and identified problem under the specific patient’s file, and sorts the recorded transcripts. The benefit for this is to lessen work on documentation for doctors, solve the original problem of having to only be able to document after diagnosing several patients, and for the doctor to focus on the examination process.


- Cooperative Inquiry

Initial Ideation

Described AR and asked about medical applications with 5 medical students and a neurologist. 

“At least for neurologic exams, especially when the trend in medicine is to algorithmitize the diagnostic process, an AR tool could be interesting to use.”

"I don’t think it will change how we are assessed [as medical students], but it would be good for actual patient care. It’s kind of like how docs check the internet when they’re not sure about something -- it’s always better than to rely on pure memory alone.”


Role-played the physician-patient encounter for feedback.

Low Fidelity Prototype

Simple physical prototype for users to understand the concept and make reference to.

High-fidelity Prototype

Working prototype deployed on the Microsoft HoloLens.

Improved High-fidelity Prototype

Additional design features added to the high-fidelity prototype after user's feedbacks.

Iterative Design Process to Incorporate Feedbacks in All Stages of Design


and Beyond...

© 2018 by Cauliflower AR.

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